Channel: ALALOSHA: English for Fun
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Oh, those dresses...those colors..Meet Simonetta's new pretty AW15 collection for a little ladies

Oh, those dresses...those colors... Absolutely stunning drawing prints grace on the new collection of ‪Simonetta‬.

Dynamic Glam from the ‪Cesare Paciotti AW15

Dynamic Glam - Introduce this season's hottest outfit created by a combination of sportswear inspiration and faux leather details directly from the ‪Cesare Paciotti AW15‬ girls collection.

Billieblush offers a AW'15 collection filled with fun and femininity

Packed with pretty pastels, sequins and sparkle, Billieblush offers a collection filled with fun and femininity.

Burberry enfant AW16

A signature collection featuring mini-me shapes and vibrant prints. Cosy quilting, cashmere and wool elevates protective outerwear, while gift sets in playful intarsia and classic check are elegantly packaged in a Burberry box.

Marvelous landscapes and pop-up roses enhance the “fantastic” Monnalisa AW'15

The 2015/2016 A/W collection has been inspired by landscapes. Landscapes depicting snowy capped mountain peaks, views of pristine nature and flower branches appear on sublimation printing in softly whispered colors. The collection also depicts contrasting urban landscapes and shiny skylines, as well as viewpoints of cities to be explored.

The colors carry the soft hues and shades of nature– beige, oat, vermilion – or sea and sky color palettes – sky blue, cornflower blue, Persian blue, like the shades appearing in paintings of the nineteenth century as well as in clear winter days. Fashion photography and art have been intertwined in a cheerful style of great power and as homage to the beauty of planet earth.

Prints: what a passion! The Monnalisa Line (ages 2-12) brightens warm cornflower blue or pastel pink bouclés with all over rhinestones, matching them to prints depicting flowered vases. Venetian red and midnight blu for the maxistripes on taffeta or on tulle embroidered with threads of glacé wool easy to matched to any cardigan. Chanel fabric has been reproduced on nylon padded jackets with a suprising wool-like effect. The viscose jersey dresses come in elaborate strips that have been cut and then pleated. Impeccable woollen coats hide a long padded nylon coat, tone-on-tone, for a doube use and show dresses of flanel and damask-like neoprene.

Precious Poppies from Oscar de la Renta

Peppered with painterly blooms, pre-fall's standout print is perfect for you and your little look-alike.

For a stylish and sleek look get inspired by this ‪NEXT FW15‬ denim collection

Dreamy and magical world of TWIN-SET AW'15 collection

The flowy silhouettes, dainty designs and sophisticated pieces in the collection characterise Twin-Set’s opulent sense of style, whilst the casual separates offered in the form of knit sweaters, track bottoms and track tops put forward the designer’s take on everyday chic.

Finished with pretty floral & crêpe polka prints,lace details, polished leather combat boots and stunning embellishments which add a touch of precious sparkle, the selection of Twin-Set designs is endlessly stylish.

Chicco and the fairy tale in the woods AW'15

In a faraway theatre, behind a red velvet curtain, there was a party of tulle and pearls. Among magician's hats and silk yarns, every child discover the most beautiful door ever.

" Where is the little magician? A child asked.
"Maybe he lost himself in his top hat." Someone answered.
" I saw flowers in the magician's hat, rabbits, handkerchiefs, even butterflies. But I've never seen a little magician in a top hat"
And than puff! a child came out of the top hat.

One day a crazy foot decided to crawl in order to look at the world from a different angle. All the others followed suit because the wolrd looked nice from down below. Like kittens they would roll on carpets, hide under beds, bounce on sofas and they would dote on themselves in front of the mirrors.

Mischka Aoki Fall Winter 15 Collection

With an expansive experience in delivering high quality and unique products to clients, Mischka Aoki aspires to deliver only the best in its extraordinary design, exclusivity, luxury materials, service and craftsmanship.

Mischka Aoki provides customizable options with finishes and details that allows for personal tailoring according to the client’s individual measurements and desires, with fabrics and materials from a very exclusive selection.

Each garment is individually crafted to perfection.

La stupenderia take you on an beautiful adventurous trip to discover the "New World" of real style

Through the new AW'15 campaign La stupenderia brand invite us to a beautiful trip through Portobello Road and its vintage markets, the fabrics of the medina in Marrakech, the allure of the Marais in Paris, the mix of embroidered patterns from Andalusia and the magic of the East brings the imagination of our young players into a magical world made by dance, games and turns.

La stupenderia AW'15 babieswear

Love... the wind shaking the hair... Love Liu Jo ♥

The Fall/Winter 2015 Liu Jo Junior and Baby collection ranges from wild inspirations and sparkling allures to more urban themes with a rock soul, without forgetting a few garments designed specially for formal events.

TWIN-SET Simona Barbieri AW15 loobook

North West the new trend from Mayoral

Mayoral reveals an extensive collection dedicated to the world of kids for the Fall/Winter 2015 season. Among the designs, you will find that they range from very powerful styles to those that reflect more current trends. The designs maintain softness, comfort and quality which are all characteristics that must always accompany fashion for children.

Using colors (orange, amber, blue, toast, beige...) that remind us of the horizon or the fall, this trend evokes a mountain feeling with a perfect spot next to fireplace. Garments include Jacquard sweaters, sheepskin lined pieces, chunky knits, parkas or sets of hat/scarf/glove sets.

Mayoral, a presence in the market for over 70 years, is one of the leading brands in the children’s apparel industry throughout Europe. Mayoral collections are designed for children between the ages of 0-18 years and offer the complete look: sportswear, accessories, and footwear.

 Their slogan, “making friends”, has been and still is a fundamental part of the Mayoral philosophy, which bases its success on offering the best package of style, price, and quality in the entire market.

Hop hop hop, this is new boys' collection from NEXT

New mommy's diary: Vol'ka autumn

Всем привет и отличного дня!

Осень сегодня была так поэтична: пурпурные, оранжевые и глубокие серые оттенки, словно акварельные краски, расплылись по горизонту. Солнечные лучи отражались во всем, в чернильных тонах спелого винограда, в желтых опавших листьях, просвечивались сквозь пышную шевелюру рыжего клена, и отражались бликами на пузатых бочках бордового каштана.

Поэтому, быстро собравшись и захватив с собой фотоаппарат, мы отправились на фото-прогулку, целью которой было "Остановить багряное мгновение".

Мой маленький ассистент сначала без особого восторга принял эту идею - уж очень сильно жалило солнце, а ветер, стоило нам попасть в тень, обдувал настоящим сибирским морозом. Такая противоречивость в погоде отрицательно сказалась на его настроении, и оно оставалось грустным до тех пор пока... пока он не увидел красочные яркие листья в брошах из иссиня-черных бусин дикого винограда...
Здесь мы и остановились.
А как прошел ваш день?

Fashion Look :

H&M Snoopy wool sweater
George jeans
Sophia Bennett for F&F boys hat

Child Model: Vol'ka

Style & photography:Gio Kathleen 

Wish you have a fresh Monaday!


Всем привет!

Может ли обычный мяч изменить представление о мире? Вполне!
Но, обо всем по порядку.

К выбору всех игрушек для моего сына я подхожу основательно. Чтобы не было разочарований и неловких ситуаций (поломок, неприятного запаха, облезлой краски, токсичных материалов, аллергии и прочее) отдаю предпочтение только лидирующим маркам в области детского развития.

Поэтому, когда подошло время приобрести мяч для моего ребенка, я руководствовалась теми же принцами: мячик должен был быть нетоксичным, ярким и привлекательным, удобным, эргономичным, прочным, прыгучим и не сдуваться постоянно.

Но, как оказалось, найти прыгуна с такими характеристиками не так уж просто.
Все мячики, которые я пробовала не удовлетворяли меня ни по одному пункту. У меня даже возник спортивный интерес, неужели такого не существует?
И всё-таки своего фаворита я нашла на Amazon.com
Этот мяч не просто прыгает, он летает и зависает в воздухе. Небольшое усилие руки и вот уже мяч парит в небе!  Обязательно запомните его имя Cool Sky Ball.

 Hyper Charged Cool Sky Ball By Maui Toys

Запатентованная формула позволяет фирме Maui Toys быть чуть ли ни единственным представителем в детском сегменте, который выпускает такие яркие, стильные, прочные и гиппер прыгучие мячи по очень хорошей цене.

Cool Sky Ball отличается от обычных мячей и материалом, из которого он "смастерен"и более тяжелым весом. Он очень прочный, крепкий, аккуратный и на мой взгляд очень симпатичный. Его можно пинать и он ловко отскакивает, легко кидать и он сам взмывает ввысь.
Прыгучесть просто улётная!!!

Производитель гарантирует, что этот мячик взлетает в 4 раза выше, чем баскетбольный мяч, в три раза выше, чем теннисный, и в 5 раз выше, чем обычный стандартный мяч. Подтверждаю!
Это действительно Супер мяч, который незаменим для любителей подвижных игр и активного отдыха. Он прекрасно развивает координацию движений, способствует физическому развитию ребёнка. В общем, рекомендую!

Fashion Look

NEXT Boys Long Sleeve Top 
NEXT Boys pumpkin patch 
Clarks shoes

Child model: Vol'ka
Style&Photography Gio Kathleen

It is the beginning of a new adventure ARISTOCRATA

The Royal Tale continues by opening the grand curtain to portray yet another magical place – Winter Wonderland. Deep royal colors, soft velvets, exquisite silks, cashmere and lace - all come together to tell the story about the extraordinary union of a little girl and her gracious, sincere companion – the chestnut colored stallion.

It is the beginning of a new adventure…
The collection “ARISTOCRATA” introduces three new signature prints – wild rose, cashmere knit and gracious horses.

Every piece in the collection is hand-made, including the beautiful accessories - footwear, hats, bags, knitwear and embroidery.
Each Royal Qiviuk garment is specially tailored and comes with a unique, individually addressed certificate, hand signed by Monsieur Dormeuil himself.

Photography: Linda Brinums (lindabriinums.com)
Styling: Santa Bindemane (kidsgazette.com)
Models: Alexandra, Anabelle, Emilia, Maya

Location: Kuksu Manor (kuksumuiza.lv) and Zirgzandales (zirgzandales.lv)

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